Lawrence Cremin
George Dennison
Eric Dolphy
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Paulo Freire
Dizzy Gillespie
Paul Goodman
Maxine Greene
Jules Henry
James Herndon
Myles Horton
Herb Kohl
Margaret Mead
Deborah Meier
Lucy Sprague Mitchell
Pablo Neruda
Ned O'Gorman
Paul Robeson
Lillian Weber
Alfred North Whitehead
Walt Whitman
The struggle for social justice, equity and the bringing of decency into the world is a tradition that needs documenting and representing so we don't, as Kohl reminds us, have to reinvent the world. In composing these brief biographies I experienced what Alice Walker described of her own writing; a joy and strength in my own continuity...that wonderful feeling...of being with a great many people, ancient spirits, all very happy to see me consulting and acknowledging them and eager to let me know through the joy of their presence that...I am not alone.