
"Instead of setting before children's eyes the living elements of the earth they tread...they stuff them, in these schools, with states' capitols and columns of numbers, with spelling bees and word definitions. By heart! This is how they shave intellects like heads. That is how they suffocate people from childhood on instead of encouraging the movement and expression of intelligence which each child carries within her....These masses of men are like colossal rows of teeth. The soul dies from lack of use here. Such is the concept of life." Jose Martí, 1886
In contrast to School as a place of control; an education that is messy, not predictable, and realized through direct experiences with the world. In contrast to the segregation and isolation of children from the community (the result of which has been communities knowing very little about kids, and they in turn, knowing little about their community) schools that recover valuable connections that have been lost. Programs and curricula which are about direct engagements with the world beyond the classroom that ennable children to become part of the living community, as both participants and observers.