
So that audience is always at the center of discussion about method. And method coheres with who you are, what you hold to and where you locate as home. Whether it's the side of the road or at the margin of the page, the front of the classroom or the back of the room.
So that the conversation changes: voices textured and rhythmic with their own history. A conversation about the ordinary desire to be recognized and affirmed, be seen as an individual, not a label, somebody's brother or someone else's hija who also desires a place at the front of the bus.
So that the conversation changes: so that the Chris' and Tyrones of our cities can grow strong and self-assured with their intellects so that they don't need to hide their love of learning or of science or language or cameras with the image of a gangster.
So that the audience changes: the question you must ask yourself is: "For who and how do you use your mind as work?"
So that the work and the writing crosses over, double dutches into something coherent. Because you are always in dialogue with those people who you serve and who you work with.